Jesus: According to the Gospel of John

Jesus: According to the Gospel of John

In this sermon series on John’s Gospel, we will take a deep dive into the life of Jesus. We will be examining His earthly ministry, exploring and dissecting his theological discourses and basking in the radiance of His Glory.

The Book of James

The Book of James

The book of James is a letter written to believers who have been scattered because of persecution. This remarkably practical book encourages Christians to authentically live out their faith. The letter of James can be considered the proverbs of the New Testament as it places emphasis on humility, obedience and living without hypocrisy.

The Book of Philippians

The Book of Philippians

The letter to the Philippians was written to encourage the church to live for Christ in unity even through suffering. Paul wrote this letter from prison, but his message is characterized with joy centered in the gospel that is supposed to lead to self-giving love for one another and confident hope in Christ.

The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel

What could we gain from examining the life and ministry of a Jewish exile in Babylon, who lived thousands of years ago? Quite a lot actually. Listen and see how the glory of Jesus Christ is manifested in the writings of the prophet Daniel, and the well-know but not-as-well understood stories he experienced.

One Another

One Another

Throughout the New Testament, Christians are called to attitudes and actions based upon Gospel goals that create lasting and fruitful relationships. In this series we study a number of these “one anothers” so that we might love and build one another up in the Lord.

The Message of Ezra

The Message of Ezra

The Book of Ezra describes the events that brought about the rebuilding and completion of the second temple after the people of Judah returned from exile. In this fascinating book we learn valuable lessons that apply to every Christian today; lessons about God’s providence, his covenant love, and lessons for us about the value of worship, the gathering of believers and the devastation that sin has for a relationship with God.

Last Days

Last Days

The last week of Christ’s earthly ministry was the culmination of his entire earthly life. In this series leading up to and including Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we take a closer look at what took place on each day leading up to Christ’s Resurrection to discover the truths that have transformed every person that has trusted in Jesus for their only hope in life. We also discover over the course of that historical week, that it invites those who do not know Christ to turn to Him, while also calling every Christian to renew their commitment to Jesus.

The Book of Colossians

The Book of Colossians

The book of Colossians provides every Christian with a wonderful view of the greatness of Jesus Christ, but it is not some transcendent letter that defies usefulness for the Believer’s daily living. This sermon series marvels at the supremacy of Christ, and uncovers how this translates into significance for the Christian’s life.

Together: Appealing to the Church to Gather

Together: Appealing to the Church to Gather

We are in an unprecedented time that has revealed a crisis in the church of Christ. In this series of messages, we take a closer look at what should be the heart and matter of every believer. It is a call to the church to come together, and to gather as God has intended.



Gospel.  As Christians we presume what it is, but if we were asked to explain it and to know how it is central to our lives, we might struggle to answer.  The church may be guilty of presuming the Gospel and that presumption has hindered us from living the fulfilled life that glorifies Christ.  In this Easter Advent series, we take a close look at what might be deemed the simple questions of the Christian faith, and what we will find will challenge and encourage us.

2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

In 2 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul picks up where he left off in his encouragements and admonishments for the church in Thessalonica.  This book is a reminder for all believers regarding staying faithful to Christ in the midst of suffering and the anticipation of Christ’s return.

1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians is a beautiful book that wonderfully reminds every Christian to strive for holiness.  We have a great God who is faithful, and is calling us to seek after him even in trials, with the hope and understanding that Jesus is coming again.  Will Jesus find us prepared for that day?

The Seven Churches of Revelation

The Seven Churches of Revelation

The book of Revelation is a fascinating book that begins with Jesus Christ addressing seven churches that were all formed in the infancy years of the Christian faith.  This series of sermons will take a closer look at these seven churches to see what Jesus was saying to them and how we can learn from his encouragements and admonishments.

Commands of the Cross

Commands of the Cross

Jesus Christ willingly entered into the world in order to provide salvation through his sacrificial work upon the cross, as he atoned for the sins of all those he would call to himself.  Not only did he secure our salvation in his perfect sacrifice, his obedience that caused him to suffer and die, is a calling for every believer to follow his commands.  These acts of obedience for every Christian, as recorded in the Scriptures, are to dominate our lives as we desire to love Christ as he first loved us.  In this series, leading up to and including Easter, we will look at the biblical response every Christian should have that results from what Christ has done, so we can follow them for his glory and our most fulfilling life.

Ecclesiastes: Finding Life Through Despair

Ecclesiastes: Finding Life Through Despair

The writer of Ecclesiastes says that this life is meaningless and not much more substantial than a vapour or fog.  Can life be found in such pessismism?  In this series on the book of Ecclesiastes we find that there is abundant meaning for our lives in a meaningless world.

A Merry Family Christmas

A Merry Family Christmas

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year…or at least that is what we are told.  But what about Christmas makes it so wonderful?  Sometimes we think of gifts, the food, gathering with our family or attending a church Christmas service, but what if these things do not make Christmas wonderful?  What is Christmas to be like in our homes, with our families and in our church families? In this Christmas advent series, we want to remind ourselves that the hope, peace, joy and love of Christmas is found in our families when we find these things in Jesus Christ.

Biblical Leadership

Biblical Leadership

Throughout the pages of the Bible, leadership is a central component for the followers of God as they are called to guide one another towards a rich and joyous relationship with Christ. In this series, we take a close look at what leadership looks like in the Old and New Testaments and how the biblical truths regarding leadership are to be implemented in the local church.

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