Sermon Series: The Book of Daniel

What could we gain from examining the life and ministry of a Jewish exile in Babylon, who lived thousands of years ago? Quite a lot actually. Listen and see how the glory of Jesus Christ is manifested in the writings of the prophet Daniel, and the well-know but not-as-well understood stories he experienced.
Daniel Chapter 11: Purified to Stand Firm
Apr 2, 2023
Whose words and plans do we trust in? Daniel 11, a dense chapter of prophecy detailing kingdoms raging, suffering and an enemy, leads us not to trust in our own words or plans, but trust in our sovereign God whose purposes shall stand forever. The true King is where...Daniel Chapter 10: There’s More than Meets the Eye
Jan 1, 2023
Where do you find your hope? Daniel, visibly distressed over God’s people in view of their restoration in God’s plan, leads us to walk in hope of Christ’s revelation, grounded in God’s purposes, God’s strength and God’s word. It is...Daniel Chapter 9: The Path to Peace
Dec 4, 2022
Once again we find Daniel surrounded by the threats and promises of godless empire, yet safe in the care and protection of His God. In this message, we will trace Daniel’s words and actions back to the kind of heart that finds peace in God, and favour in His...Daniel Chapter 8: How Long, O Lord?
Sep 25, 2022
What do God’s people hold on to in the midst of suffering, darkness and the presence of evil? Daniel 8 leads us to see that despite evil raging and transgressions rising, we can be assured of God’s sovereign reign, His wise judgements and His grace to...Daniel Chapter 7: Saints of the Most High, Take Heart!
Jul 24, 2022
How do God’s people live with confidence despite being in a world full of chaos, beast like dominions, and an enemy determined to destroy them? They rest in the reality that Almighty Judge reigns sovereign over the chaos. They rejoice by faith in the Son of Man who...Daniel Chapter 6: Faith in the King of kings
May 29, 2022
What does a life of faith look like? It will be one in which character shines, truth defines and trust guides. One in which obedience aligns with the truth and doesn’t compromise in the face of opposition. All these traits of faith are only possible through the...Daniel Chapter 5: The Day of Judgement
Apr 3, 2022
In the enigmatic story of the disembodied hand writing on the wall, there is a surprising message of hope to those suffering under the hand of oppressive authorities, as well as a glorious picture of God’s kindness and patience with HIs enemies.Daniel Chapter 4: The Humble Rejoice in God’s Sovereignty
Mar 20, 2022
Who is most important in your life? Our powerful God is able to bring low the prideful person, so that, according to His will, they might know the joy of His glory. Daniel 4 shows us God restoring grace that leads the humbled to rejoice, not in themselves, but in the...Daniel Chapter 3: Deliverance Through the Trial
Jan 2, 2022
How do we stay faithful to God in the midst of suffering, trial and temptation? Our hope it not in our great effort to hold onto God faithfully in the midst of the fire, but that God is with us, that Christ is present to save and secure His people. Daniel 3 shows us...Daniel Chapter 2: Relief through Recognition.
Dec 5, 2021
Christ is supreme over all; yet there are forces that are actively and fiercely obscuring and opposing that truth. Learn from Daniel chapter 2 how we can both recognize the truth of Christ’s supremacy, and take part in lifting up that truth for the good of many...Daniel Chapter 1: Relief Through Righteousness
Oct 24, 2021
When we are hurting and confused, there are many responses that occur to us. One that seldom occurs to us is to seek out what it would like to make righteous choices by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Because we are prone to make sinful choices when we are hurt or...