
Women of Waverley Habakkuk Summer Study 2021
We will all face trials of various kinds throughout life, do we have a plan of how to face these times? Habakkuk offers us a look inside his time with God while he wrestles with the present circumstances of his nation. We have an opportunity to watch him cry out to God but not stay there because God is at work in his midst. Seeing Him at work will fill his heart with joy even in the midst of bad news and troubling times. We are encouraged to follow his example and draw near to God, pouring out our hearts before Him; to learn to lift our eyes up to see God at work and to be left with joy in the midst of trial.
“Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.” Habakkuk 3:18
Habakkuk Wailing (Session 1), Speaker: Bariah Penner
Habakkuk Study (Session 2), Speaker: Christine Penner
Habakkuk Study (Session 3), Speaker: Christine Penner
Habakkuk Study Session 4), Speaker: Christine Penner
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