Children’s Midweek

Waverley Kids hosts a Mid-Week Meet Wednesday nights at 6:30pm – 8:00pm. It is intended for a mixed age group of kids from Kindergarten to grade 6. At Mid-Week Meet, we sing, dance, act, play, with a focus on getting to know Jesus, particularly looking at the doctrinal foundations of our faith, using the New City Catechism. Please contact Pastor Thomas at [email protected] for more information, or if you plan to drop by. Our season runs approximately from late September to December, and then from January to the end of May. We hope to see you there!

Want to Volunteer?

Volunteering is a great way to get connected at Waverley and there are always meaningful opportunities waiting for someone just like you. There are many places where individuals, such as yourself, often find opportunities to serve. These range from one-time events to on-going commitments, from behind-the-scenes tasks to front-and-center positions, from working with preschoolers to working with senior adults! With this variety, you are sure to find an area that best fits your interests, gifts, and availability.

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