Sermon Series: The Book of James

The book of James is a letter written to believers who have been scattered because of persecution. This remarkably practical book encourages Christians to authentically live out their faith. The letter of James can be considered the proverbs of the New Testament as it places emphasis on humility, obedience and living without hypocrisy.

Mind Our P’s and Q’s

What is your greatest passion? Would you be willing to give it up for Christ’s sake? In this message, we learn that our quarrelling and the quest for self-fulfillment ceases as we submit our passions entirely to God, pursuing holiness, prayer, and praise.

Wisdom: God vs Man

The wisdom of God and the wisdom of man cannot exist together. True wisdom is concerned with godly living, with works that glorify Christ and promote unity in His church. Do you trust that God’s way of wisdom is better than your own?

The Tongue? Yield It to Christ!

The tongue is such a small part of the body, and yet it has great power. James teaches us to control the words that come out of our mouths, since our words ultimately prove the state of our hearts. Only a renewed heart produces pure speech.

Never Alone

We are justified by faith alone, but faith is never alone. Saving faith does not exist apart from good works. No matter who you are, you must strive for faith-empowered works.

Playing Favourites

In this message, we learn that showing partiality is wrong in God’s sight. James calls us to a better way. We can live according to the royal law of love and show mercy to one another because of the mercy shown to us in Christ.

True and False Religion

When you receive the Word of God, are you a doer, or a hearer only? In this message, we learn that true religion is found in those who listen to God’s Word and act upon it, receiving the blessing of God.

Beware The Lie Of The Lure

Temptations will inevitably arise, but how do we avoid being deceived by sin’s attractive lure? In this sermon we learn that God is our only refuge in temptation and that His perfect gifts are far better than anything sin promises.

Eternal Riches in Christ

Whether we are rich or poor, our boasting should be in Christ and all that we have in Him. All earthly possessions will fade, but Christ is our eternal treasure. Learn how you can seek Christ as your greatest treasure in view of fleeting earthly riches.

Perfection Through Subjection

How important is it to you to become perfect like Christ? In this passage of James, we learn that perfection is found as we joyfully subject ourselves to God’s ways. This means that we live as God’s slaves, submit ourselves to God’s testing, and...

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