Sermon Series: The Seven Churches of Revelation

The book of Revelation is a fascinating book that begins with Jesus Christ addressing seven churches that were all formed in the infancy years of the Christian faith. This series of sermons will take a closer look at these seven churches to see what Jesus was saying to them and how we can learn from his encouragements and admonishments.
Sep 1, 2019
The final church that Jesus addresses in the Book of Revelation had so many similarities to our church in North America. They did not suffer in much and thought that they were doing well. Jesus says otherwise. In this message we examine Christ’s words to this...
Aug 25, 2019
The majority of churches are not large. And the Christians who are part of them are not prominent in this world. So how do we carry out Christ’s calling to be salt and light in this world, when it seems we do not have much influence? The Church in Philadelphia...
Aug 18, 2019
We live in a time when people are making claims to once being believers and now no longer making that claim. The question that is often raised is, did that person walk away from a genuine faith or did they reveal the true nature of their heart? The issue often can be...
Aug 11, 2019
When is our willingness to compromise a good thing and when is it detrimental to our faith? The answer to this question is as needed today as it was in the day when the church in Thyratira existed. We face constant pressure to bend on our Christian values in a world...
Jul 21, 2019
How willing are we to stand for what is right while living in a world that tells us that everything we believe is wrong? The ancient church in Pergamum faced the pressure to conform in a society that had little room for Christianity. Their faithfulness and failure...
Jul 7, 2019
How do we continue to fight for our faith in a world that opposes Christianity so aggressively? This is not just a valid question for today, but was on the minds of the church in Smyrna as they faced threats to following Christ. From Christ’s words to them, we...
Jun 30, 2019
The Church in Ephesus was a tremendous group of believers who worked hard and patiently endured while living in a city with many temptations to walk away from following Jesus Christ. In this message we discover how the Ephesian church was faithful to Christ, but also...