Setting the Patterns

The opening chapters of Genesis set a number of patterns that are developed throughout Scripture. In this message, we learn how each pattern is broken by sinful humanity, but restored in Jesus Christ. When we live according to God’s design established at...

The Riches of God’s Word

The psalmist teaches us that we need God’s Word to keep us from wandering and to guard us against sin. God’s Word is ultimately made manifest in Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God (John 1:1). Is the Word of God your greatest treasure?

A Pebble Drops

We begin our study of the book of Ruth by looking at the context of the story. In a time when there was no king in Israel and everyone did what was right in their own eyes, we focus in on a small town and a few ordinary people who were used by God in His grand plan of...

The Presence of Life

Our daily pursuits are fruitless without Christ’s presence, but life in His presence is abundant and nourishing. Our response to Christ residing in us should be unrestrained devotion and obedience to our Lord, regardless of who is watching.

God’s Truth Never Changes

Do you live your life upon the complete truth of God? In this message, we learn that truth comes from God alone. Without Christ, we live according to the lies of this world. But when God grants us life and faith in Christ, we respond by offering up our lives as a...