The Height of Humility

Spiritual pride and the law of gravity share a common theme: who and what goes up must come down. In James 4:4-12, we learn the peril of pursuing pride, the priority of loving God through humble repentance, and the promise of His exaltation; who goes down in humility...

Mind Our P’s and Q’s

What is your greatest passion? Would you be willing to give it up for Christ’s sake? In this message, we learn that our quarrelling and the quest for self-fulfillment ceases as we submit our passions entirely to God, pursuing holiness, prayer, and praise.

The Tongue? Yield It to Christ!

The tongue is such a small part of the body, and yet it has great power. James teaches us to control the words that come out of our mouths, since our words ultimately prove the state of our hearts. Only a renewed heart produces pure speech.

Never Alone

We are justified by faith alone, but faith is never alone. Saving faith does not exist apart from good works. No matter who you are, you must strive for faith-empowered works.

Perfection Through Subjection

How important is it to you to become perfect like Christ? In this passage of James, we learn that perfection is found as we joyfully subject ourselves to God’s ways. This means that we live as God’s slaves, submit ourselves to God’s testing, and...