Join Us, In The Gospel!

Consider what it means to partner together in the gospel. Paul describes a partnership that is far deeper than the kind we experience in the world – one that moves us towards Christ together, causes us to care for one another with the heart of Christ, and unites...

The Death of Christ

Jesus is put to death. He said “It is finished.” Many at the time thought it might be the end of his ministry. Join us to find out exactly what the “it” is from his “it is finished” statement, and what “finished” really...

The Crucifixion of Christ

The Bible doesn’t give us much info on the crucifixion…..or does it? Join us as we look deeper into what really happened on the cross, and why.

Hated by Association

Our world has a history of persecution against Christians. Jesus promises his followers that they would suffer, but why? In this sermon we learn the answer to this question.

Strength for Today

What can we expect when we walk faithfully with Christ? Love, joy, peace… all the fruit of the Spirit! But that fruit may not emerge immediately. There may be times of waiting, sorrow and struggle. How do we endure those days, and how do we know when the sorrow...