Strength for Today

What can we expect when we walk faithfully with Christ? Love, joy, peace… all the fruit of the Spirit! But that fruit may not emerge immediately. There may be times of waiting, sorrow and struggle. How do we endure those days, and how do we know when the sorrow...

Fracture of Community

If we have ever felt the sting of betrayal, we can find comfort from the fact that Jesus knows better than anyone what it is to face that pain. In this study, we observe several things that Jesus faced in his own betrayal and how they can help us.

Smelly Feet

The Gospel of John is famous for his telling of when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. In this message we explore the different lessons that come out of this story and discover what it means for the believers salvation and conduct with one another.

Resurrection Results

The resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus led some to believe in Jesus, but for others it led them to hate Jesus all the more. In this message we take a closer look at the results of this resurrection and find that miracles do not necessarily lead to believing in...

The Truth About Death

Are the facts about death something that is debatable? Many would say that the nature of death is set, but is that true? In this message we look at three truths regarding death and discover that the book is not closed on the subject.