Good Friday

Can God be trusted? The answer to this question is demonstrated in the cross. If God did not spare His only, beloved Son, can we not trust Him in our temptations, trials, and tiredness?

Death Before Joy

In a world that proclaims “joy before death,” Philippians teaches us that death must come before true joy. Learn what it means to die to spiritual self-confidence and find confidence in Christ alone.

The Crucifixion of Christ

The Bible doesn’t give us much info on the crucifixion…..or does it? Join us as we look deeper into what really happened on the cross, and why.

The Rejection of Christ

Jesus is rejected by the Jewish leaders, and is sent to his death. What does it mean to me if I reject him today?

Strength for Today

What can we expect when we walk faithfully with Christ? Love, joy, peace… all the fruit of the Spirit! But that fruit may not emerge immediately. There may be times of waiting, sorrow and struggle. How do we endure those days, and how do we know when the sorrow...