Two Worthy Examples

Learn about two men named Timothy and Epaphroditus who lived lives worthy of the gospel of Christ. Their lives are marked by a readiness for the work of the gospel and a willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of God’s people. How can we imitate their...

Most Famous Person EVER

Discover God’s desire, design, and foundation for church unity. Our unity is centred around the most famous person ever: Jesus Christ. Philippians teaches us to have the same kind of love and mind as Christ, who humbled Himself by leaving the paradise of heaven...

Join Us, In The Gospel!

Consider what it means to partner together in the gospel. Paul describes a partnership that is far deeper than the kind we experience in the world – one that moves us towards Christ together, causes us to care for one another with the heart of Christ, and unites...

Resolutions For The Coming Year

What is the best New Year’s resolution? What does the Bible have to say about this? And how can we possibly keep it (them)?

Silence for Our Soul

Our minds and hearts are subjected to a barrage of constant noise. At times it can be deafening as it steals our tranquility and peace. This psalm provides instruction on how to have silence in our souls even when everything around us is noisy.