Mar 1, 2020
Gospel. As Christians we presume what it is, but if we were asked to explain it and to know how it is central to our lives, we might struggle to answer. The church may be guilty of presuming the Gospel and that presumption has hindered us from living the fulfilled...The Faith of True Conversion
Sep 8, 2019
The book of 1 Thessalonians begins with a wonderful recollection by the Apostle Paul about the conversion and faithful conduct of the church in Thessalonica. It is here that we learn what it means to have a faith of true conversion. In a time when believers are...The Church at Sardis
Aug 18, 2019
We live in a time when people are making claims to once being believers and now no longer making that claim. The question that is often raised is, did that person walk away from a genuine faith or did they reveal the true nature of their heart? The issue often can be...Who is Jesus?
Jul 14, 2019
Why should anyone believe, let alone, worship Jesus Christ? In the biblical account of Jesus walking on the water, we discover the answer to this question and how it completely changes our life.