God’s Grace is Sufficient to Transform

In Isaiah 43:1-7 God provides His reassurance to His people with 5 signposts of His grace.  Possession of them, presence with them, purchase of them, and promise to them.  All of these are grounded in and moving towards His purpose: the glory of God.  In all these...

For All Occasions

There are not many things that stand the test of time in our world of planned obsolescence. So it is refreshing to study Paul’s prayer in 2 Thessalonians and discover that it is just as applicable today as it was when he wrote it.  As we study this prayer, we...

The Command to Unite

Most of us agree that unity is a good thing. But somehow, we find ourselves quite short of what Jesus prays for: that we would be one as He and the Father are one. What stops us from being united as a people, and how can we overcome those things?  

Christmas Glory

We often have ourselves occupied with many wonderful things at Christmas.  We are excited about gathering with friends and family, sitting down for that special meal, celebrating with other believers, and opening gifts.  What we often do not consider is the ultimate...

Under Construction – Becoming a Home for God

God has created us with a deep need for community. But not just any group of people will do. Our hearts will settle for nothing less than a community where the beauty and holiness of God is seen and experienced. However, the question is not necessarily how to find...