Contrasting Two Lives
Sep 18, 2022
In the Gospel of John, chapter 8, Jesus identifies two different lives available to people; the life walking in darkness and the life of living in the light of Christ. In this message we explore this subject by examining the position and cause of each life, and what...Repelling and Attracting
May 22, 2022
Like a magnet, the gospel of Jesus Christ either attracts or repels. When people are attracted to it, they receive new life, but when they are repelled by it, they remain in their sinful condition. In this message we work through aspects of unbelief and belief as a...Connoisseur of Christ
May 16, 2022
We have so many options when it comes to our dietary and nutritional needs in order to maintain our physical health. Sometimes we take this same notion into our spiritual lives thinking that there should be just as many choices. But when we study the teaching of...Imperishable Eating
May 8, 2022
Daily physical hunger reminds us that in every person is a longing for spiritual satisfaction. Many try to satiate this spiritual hunger in different ways, but only those who turn to Jesus find the food that truly relieves the hunger of the soul. In this message we...