Overcoming Insomnia

True rest is found in Christ alone. Just as Boaz received Ruth even though she was a foreigner, Christ receives us even though we are sinners. When we come to Him in our need, He will protect us and provide for us from His abundance.

The Greatest Discovery

What is the greatest discovery of all time? We can survive without electricity or telephones, but no one can survive without Christ. Jesus’s resurrection marked the start of a new beginning, so that, together with Christ, believers can leave death behind and...

Engineering Our Prayers

When is the right time to pray? In this message, we learn that we should come to God in prayer on all occasions. As we pray, we will ultimately know God Himself and His transforming power.

Never Alone

We are justified by faith alone, but faith is never alone. Saving faith does not exist apart from good works. No matter who you are, you must strive for faith-empowered works.

The Glory of Resurrection

What is the most amazing thing a person can witness? There might be many answers that people give, but in the account of Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead we discover what is undoubtedly the most glorious, and how that event effects each of us.