Christmas Glory

Why did Christ come to earth? In this message, we learn that Jesus did not come so that we can celebrate Christmas with family and exchange presents, but to bring glory to the Father.

That You May Know Him

What is your pursuit in life? Ephesians teaches us that the Christian’s pursuit should be to continually know God.  We are to know His calling of us, the inheritance that He has given us, and His power toward us.

The Presence of Peace

Like Moses in Exodus 33:15, we do not want to go if Christ’s presence is not with us. The presence of our risen Lord is our peace and joy in a world of confusion and strife. Not only do we need Christ’s presence, but we need his power through the work of...

Lessons from the Tomb

The resurrection of Christ is of utmost importance in the Christian life–it guarantees our adoption and our union with Christ, and it is the fulfillment of all God’s promises to us. If the risen Christ is missing from our lives, we, like Mary, should be...

Tried, Tested, and True

What might God be teaching you through your suffering? James teaches us that our suffering is not without purpose and we must patiently endure to the end. God’s promised blessing is coming in His timing and His way.