
What does it mean to live in Paul’s shadow? In imitation of Paul, our obedience is motivated by a desire to thank God for the salvation we have received in Christ. We learn to turn from our infectious grumbling to a life that shines in the midst of a crooked...

Most Famous Person EVER

Discover God’s desire, design, and foundation for church unity. Our unity is centred around the most famous person ever: Jesus Christ. Philippians teaches us to have the same kind of love and mind as Christ, who humbled Himself by leaving the paradise of heaven...

The Death of Christ

Jesus is put to death. He said “It is finished.” Many at the time thought it might be the end of his ministry. Join us to find out exactly what the “it” is from his “it is finished” statement, and what “finished” really...

The Crucifixion of Christ

The Bible doesn’t give us much info on the crucifixion…..or does it? Join us as we look deeper into what really happened on the cross, and why.

The Glory of the Tree

The final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry approaches. In the five first verses of Jesus’ High Priestly prayer, we learn about the significance of the tree upon which He was about to be hanged – a tree which surpasses all others in its glory, not...