
As we witness the actions of others and gain insight into the desires and affections of people as they express their concerns and hopes, it is clear that all of us want to find happiness and peace. It is our heart felt conviction based in a thoroughly biblical perspective that all believers are to seek their joy and satisfaction in God. We do not believe that true joy is going to be found in the embrace of what society and current culture prescribe. Rather, if we seek our contentment and pleasure in glorifying God we will discover what our hearts and souls are truly yearning for. The pursuit of God’s glory should as 1 Corinthians 10:31 states, include every aspect of our lives, without a single exception. It is when this is the center of our affection that we will truly overcome the emptiness that can pervade our souls.
The vision of Waverley church hopes to provide a focus, a bearing on a spiritual compass, that shows us where we need to be headed at all times so that we are striving to please our heavenly Father, and in turn finding our deepest longings fulfilled. Our vision states…
Our most fulfilling life is found when Christ is most glorified in us
We base this vision for the church on 2 Peter 1:3,
“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence”
In this verse we see that the power of God has graciously gifted believers in Christ with that which is the true, meaningful and fulfilling life. This joyous life comes as we know God and seek after the calling of pursuing His glory and excellence.
This vision is not an insignificant matter or easily achieved. To find our most fulfilling life begins with trusting Jesus Christ as our savior, and then relying upon the continued grace that saved us to provide the will and desire to seek after the glory of Christ in all things. It is the hope and prayer of Waverley Church that as God pours out his grace upon us we may know this fulfilling life because we find our greatest joy in glorifying Christ.