
As we at Waverley pursue to be a biblically faithful church, we have seven goals which provide us with direction and focus. These goals aim to lead us towards our vision which is to find our most fulfilling life when Christ is most glorified in us. These goals are intended to be implemented in various ways, through different ministry opportunities, so that Christ is glorified in each of us. Our effort in these seven areas is pursued with the belief that we are faithfully following Christ, and that the success in achieving them is based in the power of God alone.
Priority of Prayer (Ephesians 6:18)
Prayer is our communication and communion with God. The strength of the church is centered around a priority of prayer both corporately, and personally. At Waverley, we will endeavour to have prayer saturate every part of our lives.
Sharing the Gospel with the lost (Romans 10:14-15)
We extend the compassion and grace we have received from God through Jesus Christ, by proclaiming the Gospel. At Waverley, it is our calling to invite others to know the fellowship of God and the joy of life in Christ.
Caring for our community (Zechariah 7:9-10)
God calls every believer to care for the physical needs of others. The demonstration of true Christian faith is when we seek to meet those needs in love. At Waverley, our desire is that our Community will know we care in tangible ways.
Nurturing healthy marriages and families (Genesis 2:24)
When we come to know Christ, it is amazing that we become a member of God’s family. In the household of faith, every marriage and family is called to honor God as it grows in the grace of Christ. At Waverley, we want to nurture families and marriages within our congregation for their joy and God’s glory.
Growing together in holiness (Leviticus 20:7-8)
The instruction of Christ for the Church is to make disciples. Becoming strong and growing followers of Christ involves building each other up in the faith as we graciously care for one another. At Waverley, we want to help each other to be fully devoted followers of God.
Engaging our lives in missions (Acts 20:24)
God desires to gather to Himself people from every tongue, tribe and nation. As God’s Church, we are called to participate with Him as He builds and expands His kingdom. At Waverley, we are committed to bringing the Gospel, and supporting the Church around the World.
Raising up spiritual leaders (2 Tim. 2:2)
In order for the Church to advance, we have the responsibility to raise up men and women as leaders in the church and society, with a deep commitment to Jesus Christ. At Waverley, our goal is to raise up spiritually mature leaders who will guide us towards Christ.