A King Worth Standing For
Feb 25, 2024
Living a life worthy of the gospel means living in such a way that reflects Christ’s all-surpassing worth. This is demonstrated as we stand firm in holiness and strive in discipline together as a community of faith. When we live in this way, we are able to see...I have a Question… No. 2
Jul 4, 2021
The Bible uses the word ‘predestination’ in relation to salvation through Jesus Christ. How does this term relate to the freedom of the will and does this have implications for such things as our eternal security? In this second message that answers...For All Occasions
Jan 5, 2020
There are not many things that stand the test of time in our world of planned obsolescence. So it is refreshing to study Paul’s prayer in 2 Thessalonians and discover that it is just as applicable today as it was when he wrote it. As we study this prayer, we...News & Events