Stewarding Our Time
Feb 2, 2025
What will you do with the time God has given you? God has set a number to our days, and how we choose to use it matters. Will you live by “world” time or “eternal” time?Christ’s Hour
Feb 26, 2023
Chapter twelve in the book of John introduces a shift in Christ’s ministry when Jesus indicates that his hour is at hand. What did that mean for those who he was with, what did it mean for Christ’s mission and what might be the benefits of it for us? These...Struggles in the Storm
Apr 24, 2022
The miracle that Jesus performed when he walked on water is more than a cheap parlor trick, it displays Christ’s provision and authority. In this message we look closer at this miracle to discover how Christ is with us and providing our salvation from sin and...The Believer’s Witness
Feb 14, 2021
While the majority of what Paul writes concerns the relationship between believers, there are moments where he addresses how Christians should conduct themselves among unbelievers. In this message we look at one such occasions and learn what it means to be a witness...News & Events