Fracture of Community
Apr 23, 2023
If we have ever felt the sting of betrayal, we can find comfort from the fact that Jesus knows better than anyone what it is to face that pain. In this study, we observe several things that Jesus faced in his own betrayal and how they can help us.Daniel Chapter 11: Purified to Stand Firm
Apr 2, 2023
Whose words and plans do we trust in? Daniel 11, a dense chapter of prophecy detailing kingdoms raging, suffering and an enemy, leads us not to trust in our own words or plans, but trust in our sovereign God whose purposes shall stand forever. The true King is where...Our Compassionate Christ
Jan 15, 2023
In our world we hear of so much suffering that it can be overwhelming if we take it to heart, and it can create apathy in us because it is so common. So how do we respond properly to suffering? In this message we learn about Christ’s compassion and he teaches us...The Glory of Love
Dec 18, 2022
One of the most amazing stories of the four Gospels is when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. In this sermon we look at the first part of this story when Jesus finds out that Lazarus has been sick and died. As we study this portion of the story we are given some...