Act Nine; The Celebration of Victory
Mar 5, 2017
The conclusion to the Book of Esther reminds us that the unseen sovereignty of God is working for the benefit of God’s people. We are reminded to celebrate and remember all that God is and has done for our good because we are prone to forget how He cares for us...Act Eight; The Jews are Victorious
Feb 26, 2017
Pastor Tony Penner February 26, 2017 It is glorious that our God is sovereign over all things. This is seen clearly as we read of the victory that the Jews had over their enemies after many months of wondering if they would survive the actions of Haman. As...Act Seven; Haman’s Plot Reversed
Feb 19, 2017
Victories in a marriage, work situation or family is truly exciting. No greater victory has come to those who believe in Jesus than our salvation. When we overcome the adversity of hardships, troubles and disease, we are often faced with the residual effects and the...Act Six; The Fall of Haman
Feb 12, 2017
The joy of the Christian life is remembering that any success or victories we may have are only shadows of what it will be like when we spend eternity with Christ. Chapter seven of the book of Esther reminds us that through the work of Christ on the cross we find life...News & Events