Perfection Through Subjection

How important is it to you to become perfect like Christ? In this passage of James, we learn that perfection is found as we joyfully subject ourselves to God’s ways. This means that we live as God’s slaves, submit ourselves to God’s testing, and...

A Picture of Perfection

How do we press on in the Christian life? What do we do when our walk of faith feels like a constant battle? In this passage we learn that, because of Christ’s work, we can be hopeful, tireless, and resolute in our pursuit of Him.

Christ’s Sabbatical Preparation

As Jesus continues His High Priestly prayer, he now recounts his responsibilities, petitions for his disciples’ protection, and supplicates for their sanctification. Listen and find out more!

Works of Grace, Working by Grace.

Ephesians 2:10 To be claimed by the Creator of the Universe as His own good work, His poiema (ποίημa), His masterpiece—these things tend to comfort the heart and soul of most Christians. But to hear that not only our salvation, but all our good works stem from God’s...

I have a Question … No 1

In this sermon we answer questions submitted by our congregation regarding the strength of Christ in our lives, sanctification and some fun topics regarding organ donation, dinosaurs and bellybuttons.