The Deliverance of Christ

On Easter Sunday we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death on behalf of all those he would save from their sins. In this message we look at this deliverance through the stories of the Flood and Israel’s release from slavery in Egypt.

The Sign of Provision

The miracle of the feeding of the multitude is a wonderful example of God’s gracious provision for his people. In this message we examine what that provision really was and how it impacts our daily lives.

Living Water

In the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, Christ offers her living waters. In this message we explore what Christ offers this woman and its significance for us.

Look Again!

For Many Christians, John 3:16 is such a familiar verse that they do not stop to see if they really have understood it.  In this message we take a closer look at this verse and a few others as John comments on Jesus’ comments to Nicodemus.

Reborn to Know Jesus

What does it mean to truly know Jesus? In Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, Christ explains to him what it means to know him through rebirth and we learn what that means for each one of us.