The Good Shepherd
Nov 20, 2022
Jesus self-identifies as the ‘good shepherd’ in John 10, but what makes Jesus good in this chapter? As we study this passage we discover the connection between Christ’s sacrifice, his goodness and how these determine his promise to provide abundant...The Light of Life
Sep 11, 2022
This world is a dark place and the people who live in it are groping as ones struck blind. But Jesus came to offer sight to the blind and life through his light. In this message we take a closer look at Christ’s offer to be our light of life.Imperishable Eating
May 8, 2022
Daily physical hunger reminds us that in every person is a longing for spiritual satisfaction. Many try to satiate this spiritual hunger in different ways, but only those who turn to Jesus find the food that truly relieves the hunger of the soul. In this message we...The Deliverance of Christ
Apr 17, 2022
On Easter Sunday we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death on behalf of all those he would save from their sins. In this message we look at this deliverance through the stories of the Flood and Israel’s release from slavery in Egypt.News & Events