The Presence of Life

Our daily pursuits are fruitless without Christ’s presence, but life in His presence is abundant and nourishing. Our response to Christ residing in us should be unrestrained devotion and obedience to our Lord, regardless of who is watching.

The Presence of Grace

We will not believe if Christ is not present with us. In this message, we learn that Jesus condescends to our human frailty so that we can know the grace of his presence and confess with Thomas, “My Lord and My God!”

The Presence of Peace

Like Moses in Exodus 33:15, we do not want to go if Christ’s presence is not with us. The presence of our risen Lord is our peace and joy in a world of confusion and strife. Not only do we need Christ’s presence, but we need his power through the work of...

Lessons from the Tomb

The resurrection of Christ is of utmost importance in the Christian life–it guarantees our adoption and our union with Christ, and it is the fulfillment of all God’s promises to us. If the risen Christ is missing from our lives, we, like Mary, should be...

The Greatest Discovery

What is the greatest discovery of all time? We can survive without electricity or telephones, but no one can survive without Christ. Jesus’s resurrection marked the start of a new beginning, so that, together with Christ, believers can leave death behind and...