Made for More
Oct 20, 2019
God expects that his people will pursue purity in their lives, not only for the glory of God and obedience to Christ, but for our joy. We live in a world where sexual immorality is rampant and with the many voices telling us what is acceptable, we can begin to loose...The Church at Laodicea
Sep 1, 2019
The final church that Jesus addresses in the Book of Revelation had so many similarities to our church in North America. They did not suffer in much and thought that they were doing well. Jesus says otherwise. In this message we examine Christ’s words to this...The Church At Pergamum
Jul 21, 2019
How willing are we to stand for what is right while living in a world that tells us that everything we believe is wrong? The ancient church in Pergamum faced the pressure to conform in a society that had little room for Christianity. Their faithfulness and failure...No Limits
Jul 30, 2017
We can feel that we are beyond hope or redemption when we have sinned, but if we understand God correctly we find that this is not the case. David was a man who did things for which it seemed there would be no redemption, but as psalm 51 testifies, even the atrocities...