The Father Who Pours Out

God disciplines us, but only so that He might heal us. In this message, we learn that God shows mercy to Naomi even in her bitterness by disciplining her in love and graciously providing for her needs.

Engineering Our Prayers

When is the right time to pray? In this message, we learn that we should come to God in prayer on all occasions. As we pray, we will ultimately know God Himself and His transforming power.

The Height of Humility

Spiritual pride and the law of gravity share a common theme: who and what goes up must come down. In James 4:4-12, we learn the peril of pursuing pride, the priority of loving God through humble repentance, and the promise of His exaltation; who goes down in humility...

True and False Religion

When you receive the Word of God, are you a doer, or a hearer only? In this message, we learn that true religion is found in those who listen to God’s Word and act upon it, receiving the blessing of God.

The Rejection of Christ

Jesus is rejected by the Jewish leaders, and is sent to his death. What does it mean to me if I reject him today?