Stewarding Our Service

If you are a Christian, the church needs you. As you serve God’s people, it will cost you, but it will also be your privilege and joy. Our motivation for serving is found in Jesus Christ, who came not to be served but to serve.

The Height of Humility

Spiritual pride and the law of gravity share a common theme: who and what goes up must come down. In James 4:4-12, we learn the peril of pursuing pride, the priority of loving God through humble repentance, and the promise of His exaltation; who goes down in humility...

Wisdom: God vs Man

The wisdom of God and the wisdom of man cannot exist together. True wisdom is concerned with godly living, with works that glorify Christ and promote unity in His church. Do you trust that God’s way of wisdom is better than your own?

Christ’s Community

When Jesus washed his disciples feet, he demonstrated true, humble service. His actions created a union between Him and His disciples that was designed to establish Christ’s community. In this message we study this passage and discover what elements constitute...

Serving or Consuming One Another

As Believers we are called to freedom through Jesus Christ. This freedom gives us the opportunity to care for one another. In this message we look at the irony of freedom and how it works out in our choice to either serve or consume one another.