Imperishable Eating
May 8, 2022
Daily physical hunger reminds us that in every person is a longing for spiritual satisfaction. Many try to satiate this spiritual hunger in different ways, but only those who turn to Jesus find the food that truly relieves the hunger of the soul. In this message we...I have a Question… No. 2
Jul 4, 2021
The Bible uses the word ‘predestination’ in relation to salvation through Jesus Christ. How does this term relate to the freedom of the will and does this have implications for such things as our eternal security? In this second message that answers...God’s Great Plan: The Origin
Oct 1, 2017
How would you feel if someone had put together a wonderful plan, with you in mind? That is exactly what every believer in Christ has experienced as the plan of God to save people from their sins was created and devised long before any of us was created. As we will see...News & Events