Mind Our P’s and Q’s

What is your greatest passion? Would you be willing to give it up for Christ’s sake? In this message, we learn that our quarrelling and the quest for self-fulfillment ceases as we submit our passions entirely to God, pursuing holiness, prayer, and praise.

Christ’s Sabbatical Preparation

As Jesus continues His High Priestly prayer, he now recounts his responsibilities, petitions for his disciples’ protection, and supplicates for their sanctification. Listen and find out more!

Daniel Chapter 10: There’s More than Meets the Eye

Where do you find your hope? Daniel, visibly distressed over God’s people in view of their restoration in God’s plan, leads us to walk in hope of Christ’s revelation, grounded in God’s purposes, God’s strength and God’s word. It is...

Pray For One Another

Prayer is absolutely essential to our Christian faith as well as a tremendous opportunity to communicate with our God. In this message we learn what it means to pray for one another and why we often neglect to pray more.

In Need of Prayer

The basic necessities of life are both universal and subjective. We all need food, water, and shelter, but sometimes we believe we need the latest Iphone or a larger TV.  As Christians, in addition to our physical needs, we need those things that are necessary for our...