Resurrection Results
Jan 29, 2023
The resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus led some to believe in Jesus, but for others it led them to hate Jesus all the more. In this message we take a closer look at the results of this resurrection and find that miracles do not necessarily lead to believing in...The Meaninglessness of Sweat & Status
Jan 27, 2019
One of the most common things that happen is that people get up each weekday morning and head out to work. Why do we do it? There are many reasons, many motivations, but is there any meaning in it? Do we do it so that we may earn a higher position, do we work to...An Unbelievable Prayer
Jan 14, 2018
Prayer is vital to the faith of every believer whether the prayer is small, big, personal or for the sake of others. In this message we take a closer look at an unbelievable prayer that Paul prayed for the church. From it we learn a number of things about prayer that...The Prayer You Never Knew You Needed
Oct 22, 2017
Perhaps we have read this prayer before in Ephesians, but the question is, why is the author so urgent that these three facts about the Christian be more deeply known by the church? And how do they contribute to the everyday life of the Christian?News & Events