Daniel Chapter 8: How Long, O Lord?
Sep 25, 2022
What do God’s people hold on to in the midst of suffering, darkness and the presence of evil? Daniel 8 leads us to see that despite evil raging and transgressions rising, we can be assured of God’s sovereign reign, His wise judgements and His grace to...Bearing with One Another
Aug 7, 2022
Every Christian has the opportunity to care for one another as the Body of Christ. In this message we turn to the book of Ephesians to discover what that means in terms of bearing with one another.Daniel Chapter 5: The Day of Judgement
Apr 3, 2022
In the enigmatic story of the disembodied hand writing on the wall, there is a surprising message of hope to those suffering under the hand of oppressive authorities, as well as a glorious picture of God’s kindness and patience with HIs enemies.Pleasing God
Nov 2, 2020
In the second half of Paul’s opening prayer he outlines what it is to live as a Christian with the goal of pleasing God. In these verses we discover what prayer provides in order to walk worthy of the Lord.News & Events