The Leadership of God
Sep 23, 2018
From creation to the present day, God has been leading the world He created and the people He has saved from their sins. In this first message about biblical leadership, we begin by learning about the leadership of God and how we as His followers are to respond to his...Finding Your Flourishing Faith
Jul 8, 2018
The Christian faith that flourishes is produced as God empowers each believer to live a dedicated life to Him. In this message from Proverbs two, Solomon shows us how to find life, protection and blessing through being attentive to wisdom.Working Expectations
May 13, 2018
The Word of God does not neglect some of the very fundamental issues of daily living. In this message we look at work and what the Bible has to say about being under the authority of another person or being an authority over another person.Family Dynamics
May 6, 2018
The bible has much to say about the family and no more directly than in the book of Ephesians. In this message we take a look at the responsibilities of children and of parents, especially of Fathers.News & Events