Overcoming Insomnia

True rest is found in Christ alone. Just as Boaz received Ruth even though she was a foreigner, Christ receives us even though we are sinners. When we come to Him in our need, He will protect us and provide for us from His abundance.

The Father Who Pours Out

God disciplines us, but only so that He might heal us. In this message, we learn that God shows mercy to Naomi even in her bitterness by disciplining her in love and graciously providing for her needs.

Playing Favourites

In this message, we learn that showing partiality is wrong in God’s sight. James calls us to a better way. We can live according to the royal law of love and show mercy to one another because of the mercy shown to us in Christ.

I Have A Question… No. 4

In this sermon where we answer questions from the congregation, we look at some very interesting topics regarding God’s control, His goodness in the midst of evil, the fate of the people God created, the validity of other religions and aspects of the...

Gracious Faith

Real faith which is genuinely established, is entirely God glorifying and stands the test of time and trials comes through God’s grace. In this sermon, we look at why grace is critical to real faith, as well as, the dynamic role of grace in creating a faith that...