The Church at Ephesus

The Church in Ephesus was a tremendous group of believers who worked hard and patiently endured while living in a city with many temptations to walk away from following Jesus Christ. In this message we discover how the Ephesian church was faithful to Christ, but also...

The Command to Love

On Easter Sunday we celebrate that our savior, Jesus Christ has risen from the dead!  He was willing to sacrifice himself as the most incredible act of love and it is in his resurrection that we also see the same.  As we look at John 15, we discover how the cross...

The Command to Copy Christ

Jesus Christ demonstrated in his life on earth and in the sacrifice he made on the cross the kind of attitudes and actions that every believer is to follow.  As we look to the book of Colossians, we find that the believers ability to copy Christ in this way is founded...

The Command to Give of Ourselves

One of the easiest things we do is concern ourselves with what is important to us.  When Jesus came to earth and died upon the cross, it was not for his own benefit but for the glory of God and for the salvation of people.  As Christians the command that comes from...

The Effects of God’s Affection

The most remarkable expression of love that could ever have been given to this world was God sending His one and only Son to this earth as a baby.  This remarkable event which we celebrate each year has had remarkable effects. In this message we look at how Christmas...