Daniel Chapter 8: How Long, O Lord?
Sep 25, 2022
What do God’s people hold on to in the midst of suffering, darkness and the presence of evil? Daniel 8 leads us to see that despite evil raging and transgressions rising, we can be assured of God’s sovereign reign, His wise judgements and His grace to...The Light of Life
Sep 11, 2022
This world is a dark place and the people who live in it are groping as ones struck blind. But Jesus came to offer sight to the blind and life through his light. In this message we take a closer look at Christ’s offer to be our light of life.Summary of John’s Gospel
Sep 19, 2021
In this message from the opening prologue of John’s Gospel, we are given a summary of John’s message. It is a message of how Jesus Christ has come as the light to the world and that He will illuminate the hearts of people so that they become children of...May I Present…
Sep 12, 2021
The opening words of the Gospel of John are an introduction veiled in mystery. The subject of this astounding introduction is only referred to as The Word, but what we learn about Him provides insights that will shape how we read John’s Gospel.News & Events