Connecting to Our Most Fulfilling Life
Sep 1, 2024
Our most fulfilling life is not found in possessions, or abilities, or our reputation; it’s found in a person–Jesus Christ. We must press on with diligence until we reach the day when Jesus will continue to be the centre of our joy for all eternity, and it...Living Our Most Fulfilling Life
Aug 25, 2024
Because of Christ’s power and promises, and our position as partakers in His divine nature, we can live out our most fulfilling life. In this message, we learn the features of the fulfilling life and the grace that enables us to practice them.The Value of Wisdom
Jul 1, 2018
The prevalence of social media and the internet indicates that Information is a valuable currency. While knowledge is important, understanding of how to use it, is more so. There is value in wisdom that comes only from the careful study of God’s Word. In the...News & Events