Imitate Fellow Heavenly Citizens

In this message, we learn that God’s people are built up as we imitate Paul and one another. There is great danger in taking our eyes off the godly examples around us, but setting our eyes on our heavenly reality anchors us in the battle now.

A Picture of Perfection

How do we press on in the Christian life? What do we do when our walk of faith feels like a constant battle? In this passage we learn that, because of Christ’s work, we can be hopeful, tireless, and resolute in our pursuit of Him.

Death Before Joy

In a world that proclaims “joy before death,” Philippians teaches us that death must come before true joy. Learn what it means to die to spiritual self-confidence and find confidence in Christ alone.


What does it mean to live in Paul’s shadow? In imitation of Paul, our obedience is motivated by a desire to thank God for the salvation we have received in Christ. We learn to turn from our infectious grumbling to a life that shines in the midst of a crooked...

The Gospel In Life And Death

Even in the face of imprisonment and imminent death, Paul could say, “To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Above all, Paul desired that Christ not be put to shame, but honoured through his life. Can you say that for you “to live is...