Beyond Concours

Not only does God restore us, He restores us back to better than when He first created us. Just as Boaz redeemed Ruth, Christ redeems us and gives us a new identity among his covenant people.

Jesus is Greater

There are many things in our lives that compete for our attention and priorities. It is not hard to be lured by the many voices that try to tell us what should be most important. In this message from John’s Gospel we want to take a moment and listen to a...

Living as Light

For every believer, the former existence of living in darkness has ended. Through Jesus Christ we are now children of light and called to imitate God. But how do we live as children of light? In this sermon we look at how we live in the light and how this will have...

God’s Great Plan: The Origin

How would you feel if someone had put together a wonderful plan, with you in mind? That is exactly what every believer in Christ has experienced as the plan of God to save people from their sins was created and devised long before any of us was created. As we will see...