Looking Beyond the Shattered Glass

All creation continues to struggle under the stain of Adam and Eve’s sin, and humanity’s only hope is found in Christ. In this message, we learn the deception, effects, and consequences of sin, but also our victory in Jesus being made a curse for us.

The Grace of Abundance

If God did not spare His own Son, how will He not also give us all things (Rom. 8:32)? God did not withhold from Ruth and Naomi, but visited them in His abundance. Like He did for Naomi, God can bring us out of bitterness and fill us with the hope of a coming...

That You May Know Him

What is your pursuit in life? Ephesians teaches us that the Christian’s pursuit should be to continually know God.  We are to know His calling of us, the inheritance that He has given us, and His power toward us.

A Picture of Perfection

How do we press on in the Christian life? What do we do when our walk of faith feels like a constant battle? In this passage we learn that, because of Christ’s work, we can be hopeful, tireless, and resolute in our pursuit of Him.

The Gospel In Life And Death

Even in the face of imprisonment and imminent death, Paul could say, “To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Above all, Paul desired that Christ not be put to shame, but honoured through his life. Can you say that for you “to live is...