Mind Our P’s and Q’s

What is your greatest passion? Would you be willing to give it up for Christ’s sake? In this message, we learn that our quarrelling and the quest for self-fulfillment ceases as we submit our passions entirely to God, pursuing holiness, prayer, and praise.

Beware The Lie Of The Lure

Temptations will inevitably arise, but how do we avoid being deceived by sin’s attractive lure? In this sermon we learn that God is our only refuge in temptation and that His perfect gifts are far better than anything sin promises.

A King Worth Standing For

Living a life worthy of the gospel means living in such a way that reflects Christ’s all-surpassing worth. This is demonstrated as we stand firm in holiness and strive in discipline together as a community of faith. When we live in this way, we are able to see...

I have a Question … No 1

In this sermon we answer questions submitted by our congregation regarding the strength of Christ in our lives, sanctification and some fun topics regarding organ donation, dinosaurs and bellybuttons.

Biblical Love in Action

In the final greeting to the Colossians, the reader has the rare opportunity to look over the shoulder of Paul (and his fellow workers), to get a vivid picture of what it looks like to deeply love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. By God’s grace, as...