The Truth About Death

Are the facts about death something that is debatable? Many would say that the nature of death is set, but is that true? In this message we look at three truths regarding death and discover that the book is not closed on the subject.

Daniel Chapter 10: There’s More than Meets the Eye

Where do you find your hope? Daniel, visibly distressed over God’s people in view of their restoration in God’s plan, leads us to walk in hope of Christ’s revelation, grounded in God’s purposes, God’s strength and God’s word. It is...

The Glory of Love

One of the most amazing stories of the four Gospels is when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. In this sermon we look at the first part of this story when Jesus finds out that Lazarus has been sick and died. As we study this portion of the story we are given some...

Breaking the Suspense

Who is Jesus? That is what a group wanted to know when they surrounded Jesus. His answer would reveal what it means to receive and reject Christ and his claims to being the Messiah, and provide an understanding for our position before God.

The Door to Abundance

How does a person find their most fulfilling life? In this message we take a look a Jesus’ words which describe where the abundant life can be found and how it is different than what this world offers.