Repelling and Attracting

Like a magnet, the gospel of Jesus Christ either attracts or repels. When people are attracted to it, they receive new life, but when they are repelled by it, they remain in their sinful condition. In this message we work through aspects of unbelief and belief as a...

The Sign of Death’s Defeat

The story of the healing of the official’s son, depicts a desperate need requiring the extraordinary intervention of Christ. In this story we learn about the great importance of the gospel of grace and how our greatest need is only fulfilled in Jesus.

The Satisfying Harvest

The closing section of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman recounts the disciples return, the witness of the Samaritan woman to her fellow townspeople, the disciples receiving teaching from Christ and the successful evangelism of many from Sychar. This...

Look Again!

For Many Christians, John 3:16 is such a familiar verse that they do not stop to see if they really have understood it.  In this message we take a closer look at this verse and a few others as John comments on Jesus’ comments to Nicodemus.

The Believer’s Witness

While the majority of what Paul writes concerns the relationship between believers, there are moments where he addresses how Christians should conduct themselves among unbelievers. In this message we look at one such occasions and learn what it means to be a witness...