The Glory of Resurrection

What is the most amazing thing a person can witness? There might be many answers that people give, but in the account of Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead we discover what is undoubtedly the most glorious, and how that event effects each of us.

Daniel Chapter 8: How Long, O Lord?

What do God’s people hold on to in the midst of suffering, darkness and the presence of evil?  Daniel 8 leads us to see that despite evil raging and transgressions rising, we can be assured of God’s sovereign reign, His wise judgements and His grace to...

Daniel Chapter 3: Deliverance Through the Trial

How do we stay faithful to God in the midst of suffering, trial and temptation? Our hope it not in our great effort to hold onto God faithfully in the midst of the fire, but that God is with us, that Christ is present to save and secure His people. Daniel 3 shows us...

The Sign of the Wine

The first miracle of Jesus was a sign of deity, glory and provision. As we study this story it provides greater belief for our walk with Christ.

The Word and Us

Jesus’ presence in this world was no less than God himself dwelling among His creation. In this message we learn what that means and how we should respond to how he has revealed himself.