Stewarding Our Money

Do you consider yourself an owner or a steward of your money? In this message, we learn how to honour God with our money and to give generously out of trust in Him.

The Fruit of Jesus

We do not often consider the idea that life might come from death, but with Christ and his mission on earth that is exactly what took place. As Jesus shares one of his shortest parables we learn how he produced fruit that not only gave life but set an example for us...

“I Have A Question…” No. 10

In this message where we answer questions provided by our congregation, we tacke the topic of the importance and relevance of the Old Testament and what that might mean for giving in the church.

Being a Steward of Giving

Money not only is the means by which we put food on our tables and fuel in our cars, it is a significant indicator that measures the spiritual temperature of our hearts. It is the value that we have of money and our perspective on giving that tells us something about...

Wisdom for our finances

Money and financial considerations are a part of almost every moment of our waking lives. With something as prominent as money, how do we act wisely in a biblical manner that glorifies God? In this message from the book of Proverbs we find answers to this important...