Stewarding Our Time

What will you do with the time God has given you? God has set a number to our days, and how we choose to use it matters. Will you live by “world” time or “eternal” time?

Eternal Riches in Christ

Whether we are rich or poor, our boasting should be in Christ and all that we have in Him. All earthly possessions will fade, but Christ is our eternal treasure. Learn how you can seek Christ as your greatest treasure in view of fleeting earthly riches.

How to Live Forever

Ever present in our lives is the awareness of the frailty of life. From the careful care needed for a new born child to the weak last moments before death, our lives are temporary. But what if we could live forever? In this message we learn how Christ offers us...

A Doxology of Praise

The praise and worship of God is best expressed as bringing glory to God. In these verses in Ephesians, Paul points out the magnitude of glorifying God. It is a call on every Christian to sing, declare and live in a doxology of praise that when pursued will lead to...