That You May Know Him

What is your pursuit in life? Ephesians teaches us that the Christian’s pursuit should be to continually know God.  We are to know His calling of us, the inheritance that He has given us, and His power toward us.

Imitate Fellow Heavenly Citizens

In this message, we learn that God’s people are built up as we imitate Paul and one another. There is great danger in taking our eyes off the godly examples around us, but setting our eyes on our heavenly reality anchors us in the battle now.

Death Before Joy

In a world that proclaims “joy before death,” Philippians teaches us that death must come before true joy. Learn what it means to die to spiritual self-confidence and find confidence in Christ alone.

Rejoicing In An Advancing Gospel

Discover Paul’s passion for the advancement of the gospel and his willingness to suffer for Christ’s sake. Do you see your suffering through the lens of an advancing gospel? Can you rejoice in the proclamation of God’s Word, even if it is preached...